Bravo unachievable

Ironically, I hyped myself up in anticipation of an answer yet again. Ironic because since when are there answers from medical tests or procedures? Most often, results lead to more questions or further anomalies.

In this case, the plot was stymied. I pre-paid over a grand, for a procedure I couldn't have. I showed up first, at 5:45am, at the WRONG hospital. Then, thanks to a good friend quickly ushered to the next hospital, which was calling to ask if I was going to be showing up while I was at admitting... I walk in with the prep nurse as she explain all the paperwork and then her first question to me besides, "who's your ride home?" is "any allergies? Like a nickel allergy"?
I shook my head and said, "yes". She flipped around her paperwork talking about a consent form.

Apparently the Bravo probe to test for pH acid in the esophagus is partially made of nickel!

She went to call the Dr, as someone else checked my lungs and heart. The first nurse returned and told me the Dr did not want to go through with the procedure due to the Nickel content, but that if I waited a few minutes I could speak with the Dr. Well, I asked about getting a refund and she walked me over to admitting. They were all very supportive.

However, in admitting they could not process the refund because I paid the day before! Calling billing later, once they opened, was my only route of refund. Back to the waiting area.

Dr. came over and apologized that the complication existed. However minute, he did not want to risk an allergic reaction to the probe. Another form of the probe contains no Nickel, yet they no longer utilize that probe there. So, his advice: go back on the medication and return to his office in three months.

Unanswered questions and medication to diffuse the problem, which creates other problems I was trying to avoid. He mentioned surgery, but I already know I won't be going in that direction. Medication it is, as Bravo is unachievable. And to think, I could still be sitting on the beach right now, rather than in a hospital waiting area for my ride to return...
