2017 the best school year yet

Our school principal has deemed the 2017-18 school year #bestyearyet and in #gweniepig fashion I have taken on two new roles this year. I am teaching an everyday reading intervention class which I begged for and am thrilled to have the opportunity to provide, and I am teaching the AVID elective to students who want to push themselves to take higher level courses and am preparing them for college readiness.

Well, if the first week and a half, getting to know the students, and the turn-out for open house last night with the support of the parents is a foreshadowing, then he might be on to something. This quite possibly is the #bestyearyet.

The one caveat is a few of my former colleagues have retired which is always two-fold, but it makes for a new adventure with a new staff, and they all seem to create a lovely culture, as well.

Watch for #wjhsstory to find out how the year unfolds as many exciting events are taking place. AVID elective has already done some exciting technology based activities and it's only week two!
