
The key to buying and preparing fish is to buy wild caught and fresh (never frozen), when avoiding corn. If avoiding nickel salmon, tuna and other fin fish are high in nickel and should be avoided, as well as shellfish. Also, the cashews here should be omitted for a low nickel diet.

Directions: Heat 1 tablespoon of salted butter in a ceramic skillet on med-high
Place 4oz of halibut per person in the skillet skin side up
Reduce the heat after one minute, after another minute turn the fish skin side down and cook through. Season with sea salt if desired.
Serve with broccoli, quinoa and cashews for flavor. 

Farmed fish are fed corn. Frozen fish are placed in slurry ice which often uses corn syrup in its contents. If you find these don't bother you, then buy the fish you like. However, with fresh fish the flavor is amazing as a stand alone protein without sauce. 
